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What is Barre Attack?

Updated: May 8, 2023

Barre Attack is a dynamic fusion of Pilates, Bal­let and Fit­ness!

It’s a fun, all body work­out using clas­sic Bal­let Barre exercises that attack those dreaded prob­lem areas — legs, butt, thighs and arms – making them firm, toned and strong.

Not only is Barre Attack fun, you can expect to burn up to 500 calories per class! Prior dance or pilates experience is not needed to enjoy the benefits of Barre Attack. You’ll feel stronger, more flexible and coordinated, with every class!

What you Get:

The benefits of Pilates – including body conditioning, flexibility, long, lean muscles.

The benefits of Cardio – getting your heart pumping so you’re burning calories and making your heart stronger, reducing risk of heart issues, reducing stress and getting you fit.

& the benefits Ballet – including posture, alignment, balance.

The actual struc­ture of a class can vary but you can expect the following:

Barre Sec­tions: Here, you’ll be shown ballet positions like 1st posi­tion, 2nd posi­tion and plié. You’ll gen­er­ally have one hand on the barre and complete exercises that give your legs and butt a seri­ous workout.

Elas­tic Sec­tions: Large elas­tic bands are looped over the Barre, which you use for resis­tance. Fac­ing away from the Barre you might punch out while hold­ing the elas­tic, or hold a lunge while doing an upper body rota­tion. All of this will strengthen your core, arms and legs. Many find it’s a great way to de-stress.

Car­dio Sec­tions: With music flow­ing, dif­fer­ent types of car­dio inter­vals are dis­persed through the class. This will really help with your over­all fit­ness, burn­ing calor­ies and will get the blood flowing.

Renee Scott, the creator of Barre Attack says:

“Barre Attack is designed to give clients a sexy body con­fi­dence. It helps with posture, flex­i­bil­ity, bal­ance and definitely helps with over­all fit­ness, stay­ing trim and get­ting toned. Best of all though it’s fun!”

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